Geo, I wrote to you as soon as I got off
the train, explaining to you how that postcard
you gave me didn't mean a lot to me when
I first saw it, but when I got on the train & to
some "time out" it finally dawned onto
me what it really meant...
-Tony Reid, NZ


Written by: Tony Reid, New Zealand  |  Photo Quote By: Fabienne Aebi, Switzerland  |  Photo By: GEOhype, Alaska

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Top Row: Mike "The Original Geezer" Goodfellow (UK), Brendan Walters (Oz), Brooke Walters (Oz), Steve Ivkovic (Oz), Chris Hardy (UK),
Emma Carrick (Canada), Ric Higgins (USA), Bottom Row: Lars Welz (Germany), Mia Lindqvist (Sweden), Matti Bar-zeev (Israel), Andrea Fischer (Switzerland),
Krista Wordschuk (Canada), Fabienne Aebi (Switzerland), Tony Reid (New Zealand), Fergus "Magee" Hickling (UK).